Study your partner before you both get married, NO WAY!. Both parties were blinded by love. How will a lady do such a thing to a man she claims she loves. Read below:
       Just around 11pm, I heard some noise from the compound beside mine.Several thoughts perused my mind, I couldn't really place what the matter was.Was it robbers trying to gain access into the compound? I couldn't tell. I slept off still confused.
      The next morning, Immediately I woke up, I went out to find out the cause of the noise I heard the previous night.I met a man there, he said a couple had an issue the previous day, but it was resolved. Towards 11pm, they had another, the woman in question is short tempered, she ran to the kitchen,  picked up a ceramic plate and slided it across his forehead and his head broke.

      After she had realized what she had done, she started screaming for help that prompted the noise at 11pm. Some persons came around and  helped her take her  husband to the hospital that night.
The next morning, her husband's relatives heard what happened and used that as an advantage to chase her out of their brother's house because they never liked her from the start and that wasn't the first time she did such. She always uses weapons to fight even outsiders.

     Some persons need to be lectured on Anger Management. Anger is a serious issue that needs to be worked on. It has destroyed so many marriages, friendships and relationships.
    Strive hard to manage your anger since people can't change their ways and if you are patient in one moment of anger, you will definitely escape a hundred days of sorrow.


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