Take a good look at this picture for five seconds. What do you see? What do you notice? Ever been in this situation and what did you do? Hold your answer, don’t tell me.
     Too many times we are fond of exhibiting this kind of behaviour. It started with just passing by the victim to watching the victim die or suffer in pain while gossiping and finally to the worst of it all, taking pictures so we could run off to the social media to post it and then give a caption #Eyewitness.
     Most of us even go ahead to take a picture, post on social media and ask people to pray for the victim (if the person is still alive). Pitiful! Shameful! What stops you from lending a helping hand to that person or showing sympathy in any humane way possible?
     It baffles me when I see videos of jungle justice and there is such crowd standing to watch or some taking pictures while a very inhumane act is been carried out.
This kind of attitude should stop! It starts with you, it starts with me! This picture says it all I don’t need to give this a title.

You can give it a befitting title.


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