That year in secondary school, at the close of every term, we would all gather round and my dad would want to see our results for the term so he would know all who had decided to waste his money and those who truly went to school to make him proud.It was a norm in my house.
This particular term, seems my village people decided to feast on me, I didn't know how it happened.I was given my results and boom!! I saw 24th position on it.I was wondering, Its not like i had a blocked head sha, I didnt know what happened exactly.
Immediately I got home, I told my mom because I knew if my Dad heard the original score, I might have to start selling periwinkles at mile one market and quit school 😆.
So I told my mom , I would tell my Dad I came
14th instead of 24th and she agreed as planned.
That day my Dad called as usual for results and I told him I came 14th and I would do better the next term.Before I finished, something happened.My mum interrupted and said "Miriam wasn't it 24th you told me?", I quickly replied "I don't know if its 1 or 2 I saw behind the 4".
Immediately I knew i had given a dumb reply and I also felt betrayed!
After all my efforts trying to convince her, at just the beginning of the battle ground, she fell my hands flat on the floor.
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